Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Filming sea turtles in Carricou, a little island off Grenada.

These are the Real Pirates of the Caribbean!! These pirates from Petit Martinique found the turtle, pictured above, brought it to the KIDO foundation who pay the local fishermen, pirates or sailors a certain amount to save the turtles rather than hack them up for soup so that KIDO can tag them and release them back into the sea.
Dario from the KIDO foundation, called us immediately to come and film it. So we grabbed a water taxi and went over to the other side of the island of Carricou to film the turtle as it rushed back into the sea

Getting ready for a dive

Going overboard

This is the first time I have been diving. JP from Lumbadive in Carricou patiently gave me my first lesson. I went down to four metres and considering it was my first time I was quite chuffed about that.

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